As you explore the Forest Preserves of Cook County, keep an eye out for champion trees—some over a century old! These giants not only provide shade; they also play an essential role in supporting biodiversity and enhancing ecosystem health across our natural areas.
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Nominate a Tree
Have you encountered an exceptionally large tree while hiking in the Forest Preserves? If so, we invite you to nominate it as a champion tree. A champion tree is recognized as the largest or most significant specimen of its species, whether native or non-native, celebrating the diversity of our natural environment and emphasizing the vital role these trees play in local ecosystems.
To measure a tree’s size, please use the following formula:
Circumference (inches) + Total Height (feet) + ¼ Average Crown Width (feet) = Total Score.
Once a tree is nominated, a Forest Preserves tree inspector will verify its species and dimensions. If the tree qualifies, it will be officially added to the Champion Tree Register and included on our interactive Champion Tree Map. Nominators of certified champion trees will receive a certificate of recognition and be acknowledged in the official record.
If a champion tree is an Illinois native and exceptionally large, it may also be eligible for Illinois’ Big Tree Register. In such cases, the Forest Preserves will submit the nomination for state-level consideration.
Champion Tree Map
The Champion Tree Map is an interactive tool that allows you to locate champion trees throughout the Forest Preserves. Discover the approximate locations of these impressive trees and access details such as species names, height, circumference, crown spread and ranking among the largest of their kind.
Whether hiking or simply exploring, you can use this map on your mobile device to check if you’re near one of these towering natural wonders. Each tree on the map stands as a testament to nature’s beauty and resilience, providing shade, clean air and habitat for countless plants and animals.
For questions or more information on the Champion Tree Register, contact