Project Completed May 2019
Learn more about the results of the Mill Creek Restoration from our partner, Friends of the Chicago River.
A project to restore fish habitat in Mill Creek is beginning in March 2019. Mill Creek runs through McClaughrey Spring Woods and empties into the Cal-Sag channel. Currently, there is a significant drop off between the creek and the channel, which inhibits fish from swimming upstream and laying eggs. This project is designed to improve this connection by reducing barriers and improving the stream bed.
The clean, highly oxygenated, flowing water of Mill Creek, with its riffle and pool complexes, will act as an excellent migratory pathway, even providing breeding grounds, for upwards of 17 native fish species that currently are not seen in the creek, but common in the Cal-Sag Channel.
The work will be focused near the Cal-Sag Trail at the bridge, which is north of Route 83, about 1/5 of a mile east of LaGrange Road. There will be equipment occasionally using the trail to access the creek – when this is the case, the location will be marked with signage along the trail. We expect the project to begin March 18, 2019 and continue into April.