Wellness in the Woods

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Did you know that spending time in nature can improve your health?

Research has shown just how good nature is for us, and the benefits include lowering blood pressure, increasing brain activity, improving mental and physical well-being and even improving sleep quality.

It doesn’t take much to experience the health benefits that nature has to offer. Take part in the mostly free opportunities available in the Forest Preserves of Cook County to be active, playful and restful!

Whether it’s biking or hiking one of our many trails, spending time with family at one of our Nature Centers or just enjoying the peace and calm of being in the great outdoors, there are plenty of ways to improve your health and well-being:

Download a checklist of activities to discover the health benefits of nature by being active, playful or restful in the Forest Preserves of Cook County.

a person riding a bike on the paved trail at Busse Woods

Be Active

The Forest Preserves of Cook County are your answer to getting active. Whether you are a fitness enthusiast or just want to take an occasional hike through the woods, there are plenty of active outdoor recreation opportunities available.

a person pulling their sled back up the sledding hill at Caldwell Woods

Be Playful

Having fun and spending time in nature are one in the same. Whether you are looking for a family-friendly activity or are an outdoor adventure seeker, there are many ways to enjoy and play in the Forest Preserves of Cook County.

a person painting outside at Crabtree Nature Center

Be Restful

Experiencing the health benefits of nature doesn’t have to mean breaking a sweat. Whether you are seeking a relaxing way to spend some time outdoors or are just looking for a low-impact activity, there are a lot of options for being restful in the Forest Preserves of Cook County.

  • Explore your artistic side and join a photography event or art program.
  • Be one with nature through outdoor yoga, meditation or by enjoying the shade of a tree.
  • Learn about Cook County wildlife and go birdwatching on your own or on an organized bird walk.
  • Enjoy time outdoors with friends, family and loved ones at one of more than 300 picnic groves.
  • Enjoy fishing at one of our 40 fishing lakes or accessible piers.
  • Sleep under the stars at one of our five campgrounds located throughout Cook County.

Did You Know?

  • Just one hour of hiking can burn over 500 calories. (link)
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention encourages adults to get at least 2.5 hours per week of moderate intensity physical activity, including hiking and biking. (link)
  • Trees filter airborne pollutants and reduce conditions that cause asthma. (link)
  • A 20-minute walk in nature can help children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder focus better. (link)
  • Free unstructured play aids in emotional, cognitive and social development of a child. (link)
  • Research shows that spending time outdoors increases attention spans and creative problem-solving skills by as much as 50%. (link)
  • Studies indicate that being active in nature protects brain functioning in the elderly and delays onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. (link)
  • Hiking and walking help reverse the negative effects of osteoporosis by increasing bone density and slowing the rate of calcium loss. (PDF link)
  • Being active in nature substantially reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and decreases the risk for colon cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure. (PDF link)


Event Series Fitness Hike

Fitness Hike

Brezina Woods • Cook County, IL 60526 (near La Grange Park)

Fitness Hikes are for those looking to get some exercise outdoors. Fitness […]


Stroll Into Spring

Miller Meadow-South • Cook County, IL 60130 (near Forest Park)

Join us on a short, 1.7-mile loop, paved trail with resting points […]

Event Series Forest Therapy

Forest Therapy

Little Red Schoolhouse Nature Center • Willow Springs, IL 60480

Immerse yourself in nature, fostering mindfulness and wellness with a certified guide. […]

Free Registration Required

QPR Suicide Prevention Training

Crabtree Nature Center • Barrington, IL 60010

Join Certified Trainers from the Kenneth Young Center for this free, accessible […]

Free Registration Required