On this page:
- Easements, Licenses, and Intergovernmental Agreements
- Land Use Application Tracker
- Construction
- Restoration
- Research
- Tree Mitigation, Protection & Preservation
Easements, Licenses, and Intergovernmental Agreements
Forest Preserves staff and advisors are committed to ensuring that Forest Preserves’ current land is managed and maintained in accordance with its mission. Use of land by non-Forest Preserves entities for utilities, infrastructure or other uses unrelated to the Forest Preserves’ mission are to be granted sparingly. The following legal instruments are subject to approval by the Forest Preserves Board of Commissioners.
The Forest Preserves limits the granting of easements to transportation agencies only. Temporary use of Forest Preserves land by parties other than transportation agencies may be approved through the granting of construction access permits. For more information on easement requests, visit the Forest Preserves municipal code website.
Pursuant to the Forest Preserves license ordinance, requests by governmental agencies, municipalities or utility companies to locate utilities or other non-recreational infrastructure on Forest Preserves land are reviewed under the license application process. Forest Preserves code limits the term of licenses to 10 years but provides for renewal for subsequent 10-year periods with the payment of discounted renewal fees subject to approval by the Forest Preserves Board of Commissioners. In addition to a non-refundable upfront application fee ($500.00 for municipalities and other governmental agencies and $1,500.00 for utility companies and other “for profit” entities), other fees may be applicable depending on the level of potential impact to Forest Preserves land.
Intergovernmental Agreements
Requests for trail connections and other recreational infrastructure on Forest Preserves land require agreements with municipalities and other governmental agencies. Application and review fees may be waived for trail connections or other recreational infrastructure under an intergovernmental license agreement that documents the project’s mutual benefits.
Forms & Fees
- Land Use Request Information Form (PDF) – Must be completed for all license and intergovernmental agreement requests.
- License Application Form (PDF) – Only required for license requests.
- License Fees for Public Utilities – Forest Preserve of Cook County Municipal Code
Land Use
Department of Planning & Development
Land Use Application Tracker
The Land Use Application Tracker can be used to view ongoing construction projects and pending land use requests by external parties. The tracker includes the type of land use instrument that has been requested, a brief description of the request, and the requested Forest Preserves location. Not all requests that are included in the tracker have been or will be, approved for construction. Scroll to the right within the tracker window to view additional status details on approval and construction dates. Scroll down within the tracker window to view additional land use request entries.
View comprehensive information about ongoing and past Land Use Requests requiring Board of Commissioners’ approval through the searchable system, accessible via the provided button below. You can also subscribe to receive email or text alerts on pending board items.
All organizations not under direct contract with the Forest Preserves or their authorized sub-contractors who wish to perform any work, stage any equipment, or erect any temporary structure on Forest Preserve property are required to obtain a Construction Access Permit.
The Construction Access Permit is subject to a non-refundable application fee of $250.00, a fully refundable security deposit of $1,500.00, and a non-refundable impact fee. The impact fee is calculated in accordance with the Fee Schedule in Appendix A of the Construction Access Permit Application. Permit may be extended subject to additional impact fees.
Land Use
Department of Planning & Development
All individuals, groups or organizations not under direct contract with the Forest Preserves, or their authorized sub-contractors who wish to perform any work or services upon Forest Preserve land or property solely or exclusively for the direct improvement or benefit of the Forest Preserves are required to obtain a Restoration Access Permit. There is a maximum term of six months with one additional six-month extension. There is no fee.
- Restoration Access Permit (PDF)
- Special Access Waiver- Entity (PDF)
- Special Access Waiver- Individual (PDF)
Department of Resource Management
Unless otherwise under contract with the Forest Preserves, all research investigations on Forest Preserve property require a Research Access Permit. Research investigations include any monitoring, collecting, testing, study, observation, investigation or other related activity that benefits the Forest Preserves, public education or the community.
If these stipulations do not apply, or if the proposed activity includes the installation, repair or maintenance of roads, facilities, or structures, a Construction Access Permit will be required. There is a maximum term of one year with five additional one-year extensions as approved by the Forest Preserves. There is no fee.
- Research Access Permit (PDF)
- Special Access Waiver- Entity (PDF)
- Special Access Waiver- Individual (PDF)
Department of Resource Management
Tree Mitigation, Protection & Preservation
Tree Mitigation
Any work or land use request by organizations not under direct contract with the Forest Preserves or their authorized subcontractors requiring the removal of live trees, dead trees, or coarse woody debris from Forest Preserves property requires payment of mitigation fees in accordance with the Forest Preserves’ Tree Mitigation Plan.
Tree Mitigation fees are in addition to any Construction Access Permit or Land Use application fees and established Tree Protection and Preservation requirements.
As of January 1, 2025, the current per-square-inch cross-sectional value (used in the calculation of tree mitigation fees) is $141.05. This value is updated annually
To request access to the current Tree Valuation Tables, contact ResourceManagement.FPCC@cookcountyil.gov.
Tree Protection & Preservation
The Forest Preserves’ Tree Protection and Preservation Manual establishes standards and specifications to protect trees and other vegetation from construction impacts. All individuals, groups or organizations and their authorized subcontractors are required to comply with these standards and specifications to prevent collateral damage to the Forest Preserves’ forests and tree canopy.
Violations of the Tree Protection and Preservation Manual resulting in damage or removal of trees outside of the project area are subject to compensation according to the Forest Preserves’ Tree Mitigation Plan.
Department of Resource Management