On this page:
Location & Things to Do
Brookfield Woods
Things to Do & Amenities
- Parking
- Accessible Portable Bathroom
- Trail Access
- Hiking & Walking
- Bicycling
- Dogs
(on-leash only) - Cross-Country Skiing
- Volunteer Opportunities
Picnic Groves
- Accessible Grove #1
(with shelter)- Accessible May 1 to October 31.
- Distance to parking: 135 ft
- Distance to accessible portable bathroom: 82 ft
- Capacity: 200 people
Year-round: Sunrise to SunsetClosures & Alerts
Salt Creek Trail System
The Salt Creek Trail System’s paved and unpaved trails run along the Des Plaines River, Salt Creek and Brookfield Zoo, offering visitors views of a glacial valley, gravelly moraine and Salt Creek’s unique pool and riffle environment.
Location: Brookfield, Forest View, La Grange Park, Lyons, McCook, North Riverside, Oak Brook, Riverside, Westchester & Western Springs
Paved & UnpavedEstimated Total Length
16.4 milesHours
Year-round: Sunrise to SunsetClosures & Alerts

Volunteer Opportunites
Join the energetic Brookfield Woods volunteers and help restore local natural areas. Enjoy a few quality hours outside and learn to identify and remove invasive species that threaten biodiversity in the preserves.
Dołącz się do dynamicznej grupy wolontariuszy i pomóż przywrócić naturalny stan ekologiczny lokalnym obszarom. Zażyj kilka godzin spokoju i naucz się jak identyfikować i usuwać gatunki inwazyjne, które grożą bioróżnorodności prezerwatów. Powięcej inforacji, zadzwoń: 773-510-2486.