Tree Trimming Love & Care

A group of volunteers at a picnic grove with tree maintenance tools and equipment.

The Tree Trimming Love & Care (Tree TLC) program is dedicated to the care of trees in recreational areas. Volunteers participate in activities such as pruning and mulching to protect and enhance the health of trees in picnic groves. These efforts contribute to the preservation of greener, healthier natural recreational areas in our communities for public enjoyment.

To participate in Tree TLC Volunteer Days, volunteers must be certified as Tree Care Specialists by the Forest Preserves and/or be Openlands Treekeepers.

The specifications for Tree TLC Volunteer Days are as follows:

  • The activities include mulching and pruning trees. Volunteers are welcome to participate in mulching, while certified Tree Care Specialists and Openlands Treekeepers are responsible for pruning.
  • Volunteer days occur once a month.
  • Open to individuals aged 14 and older.
  • Led by staff.
  • Count as community service hours for school or court.

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